Occupy Bernal Affordable Housing Forum on November 29, 2012

Occupy Bernal presented a forum on the Fight for Affordable Housing in Bernal Heights and Beyond at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center in San Francisco on November 29, 2012.

Speakers included:

  • Foreclosure and Eviction Fighter Ross Rhodes
  • ACCE organizer Grace Martinez
  • Buck Bagot of Occupy Bernal
  • Amy Beinert of the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center
  • California Assemblymember Tom Ammiano
  • San Francisco Supervisor John Avalos
  • Sheila Chung Hagen for San Francisco Supervisor David Campos

ALERT: Eviction Witness for Larry Faulks – Protest DMG Asset Management and Wells Fargo!

Update as of 12:10pm on November 14, 2012: Larry Faulks’ eviction postponed by two weeks until Wednesday, November 28. Please mark your calendar in case DMG and Wells haven’t come to their senses! Keep those calls to DMG coming (see numbers below).

Investment firm DMG Asset Management plans to evict disabled African-American senior Larry Faulks today even after they agreed to postpone the eviction to work with him and his family on negotiations with Wells Fargo.

Larry Faulks and his brother — both disabled — as well as their renter want to stay in the home their parents purchased in 1962.

DMG plans to evict Larry at 1:00pm today, Wednesday, November 14.

Please take action to help the Faulks family–

  1. Please come to this action–

    What: Eviction Witness Action
    When: 12:30pm, Wednesday, November 14
    Where: Larry Faulks’ home at 25 Cameo Way, San Francisco (Diamond Heights neighborhood)

  2. Call DMG management, their real estate agent, and their attorney with the following message:

    • Daniel Woo, +1 415-706-6170
    • Angela Woo Lee, +1 415-420-8881
    • Gilbert Chung, +1 916-947-8625
    • Marcus Lee, +1 415-999-2022 (real estate agent)
    • Jak Marquez, +1 415-495-8500 x12 (attorney)

    Sample message:

    Please stop the eviction of Larry Faulks and his brother — both disabled — as well as their renter. The Faulks family has lived in the family home at 25 Cameo Way in San Francisco for 50 years. Wells Fargo promised in writing not to foreclose on the Faulks during the modification process, but instead sold the property to you. DMG agreed to postpone the eviction to work out a plan to sell the property back to Wells Fargo at the price you paid, so that Wells Fargo can offer the Faulks family a loan modification to remain in their home.

    Please don’t put disabled African-American seniors out onto the streets.

For updates and this action alert: http://occupytheauctions.org/wordpress/?p=5948

Links: Larry Faulks Profile    DMG Asset Management Profile    Occupy DMG Home Action    Occupy Wells Fargo Noe Branch    Bay Area Reporter Coverage    Occupy Wells Fargo HQ    Occupy Senior and Veteran Evictions and Foreclosures (Occupy Anniversary)

September 17 OccuAnniversary Events

The Foreclosure and Eviction Fighters of Occupy Bernal, Occupy Noe, and ACCE-SF consensed on the following three OccuAnniversary events at the regular Saturday 10am meeting on September 1, 2012:

EVENT#1) Occupy Senior and Veterans Foreclosures and Evictions

What: Press Conference and Protest

Time/Date: 12:00pm (noon) – 1:00pm on Monday, September 17

Venue: San Francisco War Memorial Building

Address: 401 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94102

Description: Please join the Foreclosure and Eviction Fighters and supporters of Occupy Bernal, Occupy Noe, and the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) for a press conference on and protest of bank’s foreclosures and evictions of seniors, veterans, and disabled folks. The press conference and rally will take place at 12:00pm (noon) on Monday, September 17. This action is in cooperation with the OccuAnniversary events and the Occupy Action Council of San Francisco.

Contact: Occupy Bernal, info@occupybernal.org

EVENT#2) Occupy Fortress Investment Group

What: Protest

Time/Date: 3:00pm – 4:30pm on Monday, September 17

Venue: Fortress Investment Group Offices

Address: One Market Plaza, Spear Tower, San Francisco, CA 94105

Description: Fortress Investment Group (FIG) is a multi-billion-dollar corporation run by vulture capitalists like Peter Briger, FIG Board Co-Chair, who developed the corporation’s “Financial Services Garbage Collection” strategy. Who’s the garbage according to Briger? That’s homeowners in foreclosure, students who can’t pay their loans, etc. FIG owns 77 percent of Nationstar Mortgage, which has been purchasing distressed home mortgage debt and foreclosing on homeowners at an accelerating pace. Seven San Francisco homeowners, dubbed the “Nationstar 7” face evictions and foreclosures by Nationstar at the moment, and FIG has a long history of poor treatment of tenants and alleged violations of tenants rights laws at Park Merced and elsewhere. Please join us to protest the billionaire “garbage” collectors like Peter Briger who are throwing our neighbors out of their homes. Bring a large garbage bag if you can! Brought to you by the Foreclosure and Evictions Fighters of Occupy Bernal, Occupy Noe, and the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) San Francisco, in cooperation with the San Francisco Tenant’s Union, the Occupy SF Housing Coalition, and the Occupy Action Council of San Francisco.

EVENT#3) Occupy Anniversary Mass Convergence

What: Protest

Time/Date: 5:00pm – 7:00pm on Monday, September 17

Venue: Bank of America and Goldman Sachs Offices

Address: 555 California Street @ Kearny Street, San Francisco, CA 94104

Description: OCCUPY WALLS ST (WEST): 1 YEAR! MON SEPT 17, 5pm
Monday, September 17, 2012
555 California st @ Kearny st, San Francisco

Join us on Facebook!

Commit in the coming year to keep building a movement of the 99% to end the rule by the 1%

All Day: Occupy, move your money, take creative nonviolent action to confront the banks’ theft and destruction of our communities, homes, environment, education, health care and democracy. Plan an action with your neighbors, group, friends, family, co-workers, congregation, or classmates. Let us
know when/where/what and we will include in our list of actions.


Debt Burning (Bring Copies of Your Debt Papers to Burn Symbolically), March, Casserole (Bring Your Pots, Pans and Spoons in the tradition of Argentina, Iceland and Quebec rebellions against 1% austerity), Celebration, Music, Guerilla Movies…

“Debt affects us all. Student debt, mortgage debt, health care debt, credit-card debt, and more: debt is the tie that binds the 99%, and it is a primary engine of Wall Street profits. Are the promises we believed in order to take this debt — of prosperity, of stability, of enfranchisement — even worth the paper our statements are printed on? Debt is ruining the lives of individuals, families, and communities while banks get bailed out. We say enough! Join us as we begin to build a people’s movement to strike debt, break the chains of debt, and to create new bonds of solidarity.”
­from StrikeDebt.org in New York City

All occupy groups, allies and supporters are invited to join and mobilize.

Planning Meetings: The SF Occupy Action Council has agreed to be its organizing/planning hub. The SF Occupy Action Council meets every Sunday, 2-4pm at HERE/UNITE Local 2, 209 Golden Gate Avenue (between Leavenworth/Hyde).

Sponsored by (to date): Foreclosure Fighters of Occupy Bernal, ACCE and Occupy Noe, Occupy SF Direct Action Work Group, Occupy Education­ Northern California, Occupy Action Council SF, Occupride/Community Not Commodity, Occupy Monterey, Occupy Bay Area United, Occupy SF Environmental Justice Work Group

Occupy Anniversary: Mass Converge with Me 17 Sept 2012 #S17 from Peter Menchini on Vimeo.

Freddie Mac to Evict Disabled Veteran, Wife, and Mentally Challenged Child in Saint Louis

Update as of September 12: Good news! After the television coverage and news coverage of Sally’s case, the judge delayed the eviction of the Scott family with the help of Sally’s attorney. Sally, her husband Bob, and supporters from MORE attended the proceedings. That gives us time to pressure Freddie Mac to rescind the eviction and allow negotiations for a fair deal loan modification so the Scott family can remain in their home.

**Press Advisory for Tuesday, September 11, 2012**

For Immediate Release


* Sally Scott, Foreclosure and Eviction Fighter, +1 314-218-5733, ROSCOTT3@aol.com

* Stardust, Occupy the Auctions and Evictions Campaign, +1 415-425-3936, press@occupytheauctions.org

* Zach Chasnoff, Organize Missouri, +1 314-780-3734, zach@organizemo.org

Freddie Mac to Evict Disabled Veteran, Wife, and Mentally Challenged Child in Saint Louis

Bank Bailouts Don’t Benefit Homeowners Who Want to Pay, But Need Loan Modifications

St Louis, Missouri – Pleas to stop the eviction of Sally Scott, her disabled veteran husband Bob, and their mentally challenged daughter Susie, have fallen on deaf ears at Freddie Mac.

“After my 84-year-old husband suffered a stroke, I was ashamed to admit that we missed some mortgage payments while closing down my husband’s business and covering skyrocketing medical costs,” said Sally Scott. “Now I know that the right course of action is to fight for my family and our home by demanding that Freddie Mac work with Select Portfolio Servicing to stop our eviction and offer us a fair deal loan modification.”

The Scotts originally obtained their loan from Southwest Bank, then it was transferred twice over the last 11 years, ending up serviced by Select Portfolio Servicing and owned by Freddie Mac.

The following Freddie Mac staff and attorneys have refused to negotiate on the case when approached by Sally Scott and her supporters:

* Donald H. Layton, CEO, +1 703-903-2000 (say “Donald Layton” to transfer call), Donald_Layton@freddiemac.com

* Brad German, Public Relations, +1 703-903-2437, Brad_German@freddiemac.com

* Patti Boerger, Media Relations, +1 703-903-2445, Patricia_Boerger@freddiemac.com

* Chad Wandler, Media Relations, +1 703-903-2446 or +1 571-236-2533 (cell), Chad_Wandler@FreddieMac.com

* Aaron Elking, Attorney at Martin, Leigh, Laws, & Fritzlen, in Kansas City, 314-862-5200 or 636-534-7600, ame@mllfpc.com

After their staff refused a loan modification approved by a HUD-certified counselor, Freddie Mac auctioned back to themselves the home of 65-year-old Sally Scott and her family in west St. Louis, Missouri.

Her 84-year-old husband Bob is a WWII and Korean War veteran who was disabled by a stroke five years ago. Sally, her disabled husband Bob, and her 26-year-old mentally handicapped “special child” Susie live in a constant state of fear, not knowing when the county sheriff will show up to evict them and throw all their belongings out onto the sidewalk. The next court hearing on their eviction is at 9:00am on September 12 at the St. Louis County Courthouse.

Hundreds of supporters have responded to the following action alert, calling and emailing Freddie Mac in support: http://occupytheauctions.org/wordpress/?p=3983

Organizations and Campaign

Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) believes that Missouri is positioned at a unique intersection of social, economic and environmental injustice. We believe that as corporate power continues unabated expansion and the gap between the rich and the poor widens, there has never been a better time for our low-income communities to come together and fight back. MORE seeks to be a powerful organization of low- and moderate-income people, building strength in our communities. We work in relationship with other organizations pushing our allies to engage in creative direct action with us to foster good policy changes. MORE seeks to be part of a movement that cuts across, class, age and race lines that is envisioning and building the world in which we would like to live. Web: http://www.organizemo.org

Occupy the Auctions/Evictions
is a campaign to halt for-profit and predatory evictions, foreclosures, and foreclosure auctions in San Francisco and beyond. Web: http://www.occupytheauctions.org and http://www.occupyevictions.org

Updates and Photos

For updates, photos, and for this release on the web: http://occupytheauctions.org/wordpress/?p=4466

Action: Protest Well Fargo’s Auction of Thomas German’s Home!

Update as of July 7: Due to intense pressure from Occupy Bernal, Occupy Noe, and ACCE (thanks for all the calls and emails!), Wells Fargo has postponed the auction of Bernal Foreclosure and Eviction Fighter (FEF) Thomas German until August 14.

At an FEF planning meeting this morning, the group decided that — in light of Wells Fargo’s decision to postpone Thomas’ auction and to start a conversation with us about negotiations — we will postpone the actions we had planned in response to the foreclosure auction:

  • POSTPONED: 12:00 noon on Monday, July 9, Protest at Wells Fargo Headquarters
  • POSTPONED: 8:00am on Tuesday, July 10, Protest at Bank Auction of Thomas German’s Home

Stay tuned for further news about any progress toward negotiations with Wells Fargo. We are hopeful that there will be a positive outcome for all concerned.

Update as of July 6: Good news… Wells Fargo has postponed Thomas German’s auction until August 14.

Wells Fargo plans to auction off our Bernal neighbor, Occupy Bernal co-founder, and Foreclosure and Eviction Fighter Thomas German’s home this coming Tuesday, July 10. We have to stop them!

Please take action with three steps to save his home:

1) Send this email right now to Wells Fargo’s CEO, Board Members, and other staff–

To: john.g.stumpf@wellsfargo.com, ruben.pulido@wellsfargo.com, Pat.Callahan@wellsfargo.com, Avid.Modjtabai@wellsfargo.com, James.Strother@wellsfargo.com, boardcommunications@wellsfargo.com, jason.ohara@wellsfargo.com, richard.m.sintchak@wellsfargo.com, eric.tang@wellsfargo.com
Cc: action@occupybernal.org
Subject: Postpone Auction of Tommie German’s Home at 348 Andover St., San Francisco (loan #0044751501)

Dear Wells Fargo staff,

Please take IMMEDIATE action to postpone the auction of Tommie German’s home at 348 Andover St., San Francisco (loan #0048358501).

Tommie German is a retired federal worker and a veteran who is ready to make regular payments on a renegotiated loan, which Wells Fargo has refused to provide. He is facing a life-threatening hernia operation at the end of July and stress over losing his home is worsening his condition.

Once Wells Fargo has postponed the auction of Tommie German’s home, please offer him a fair deal for a loan modification on terms that are sustainable.

This is an URGENT request, so please respond right away to postpone the auction.


your name here

2) Call these Wells Fargo representatives with the message below.

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf at 866-878-5865
James Strother at 415-396-1793
Patricia Callahan at 800-869-3557
Avid Modjtabai at 800-869-3557
Wells Fargo Communications Staff Ruben Pulido at 415-852-1279

Tell them (or leave a message):

“Please take IMMEDIATE action to postpone the auction of Tommie German’s home at 348 Andover St., San Francisco (loan #0044751501), scheduled for July 10. Tommie German is a retired federal worker and a veteran who is ready to make regular payments on a renegotiated loan, which Wells Fargo has refused to provide. He is facing a life-threatening hernia operation at the end of July and stress over losing his home is worsening his condition. Once Wells Fargo has postponed the auction of Tommie German’s home, please offer him a fair deal for a loan modification on terms that are sustainable. This is an URGENT request, so please respond right away to postpone the auction..”

3) Join us to protest:

  • Planning Meeting, 10:00am on Saturday, July 7, ACCE Office, 1717 17th St., SF.
  • Protest at 12:00pm (noon) on Monday, July 9, at Wells Fargo Headquarters, 420 Montgomery St. at California St. in San Francisco (check here for updates). RSVP on Facebook.
  • Occupy the Auction Action, 8:00am, Tuesday, July 10, SF War Memorial, Green Room, Suite 110, 401 Van Ness Ave., SF (check for postponements, arrive at 8:00am to register or register online at auction.com/trustee — have to create an account, then search for July 10 auction and register for it). Please bring a whistle or other noisemaker and earplugs if you have them (we have some to share). RSVP on Facebook.

Links: Action Flyer    Profile of Thomas German    Video Featuring Thomas German

Stop Banks From Evicting the 99%!

Wells Fargo plans to auction Tommie German’s home on July 10 despite:

  • Francisco Board of Supervisors’ unanimous vote for a moratorium on foreclosures until the state legislature enacts a Homeowner Bill of Rights
  • The Mayor’s request for a “pause” until the state legislature enacts a Homeowner Bill of Rights
  • California State Attorney General Kamala Harris’ request for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to suspend foreclosure activity
  • The California legislature passing the Homeowner Bill of Rights, now awaiting the Governor’s signature or veto
  • The report from San Francisco Assessor-Recorder Phil Ting that shows that 84% of a sample of San Francisco foreclosures contain at least one legal violation

This action alert brought to you by Occupy Bernal (www.occupybernal.org), ACCE (www.calorganize.org), and other supportive organizations coordinated within the Occupy the Auctions and Evictions campaign (www.occupytheauctions.org).

“Wild Old Women” Protest Closes Bank of America Branch

Once again about 40 protestors, led by the Wild Old Women (WOW) affinity group of Occupy Bernal, picketed a Bank of America branch at 3250 Mission St. today to protest for-profit evictions and foreclosures, as well as poor bank treatment of the elderly and the banks not paying their fair of taxes. The B of A branch staff closed and locked both doors of the bank and posted a sign (see picture below). Thanks to the WOW for pulling this together!

This protest is a weekly action at 12:00-1:00pm on Thursdays, except instead of Thursday, January 19, the action will switch to 9:00am on Friday, January 20, in solidarity with the Occupy Wall St West actions throughout the city focusing on the S.F. Financial District.

Join our neighbors in the Mission for a protest at 12:00 noon on Saturday, January 14, at the 16th Mission BART station plaza.

Pictures of the protest:

“Wild Old Women” Protest to Keep Bernal Neighbors in Our Homes

Occupy Bernal Media Advisory


Contact: Stardust, +1 415 425-3936, press@occupywallstwest.org

Run On The Banks: No More Evictions or Foreclosures For Profit!
“Wild Old Women” Protest to Keep Bernal Neighbors in Our Homes

San Francisco – January 12, 2012 – Occupy Bernal’s “Wild Old Women” (WOW) affinity group announced another protest at the Bank of America as part of an escalating series of “Run On The Bank” actions to demand an end to for-profit evictions and foreclosures in San Francisco and beyond:

12:00-1:00pm, Thursday, January 12: Bank of America, 3250 Mission St.
Senior protestors from Occupy Bernal tell B of A to stop raising fees, pay fair taxes, and use the bailout money to stop foreclosures.

12:00 noon, Saturday, January 14: Plaza above 16th St Mission BART station
No more for-profit evictions in the Mission District!

6:00-8:00pm, Sunday, January 15: Location TBA
OccupySF will conduct a General Assembly/Town Hall Meeting in the Mission District – everyone from the neighborhood is welcome/encouraged to attend and participate in an open discussion regarding issues local to the Mission and their correlation with the Occupy Movement

All Day, Friday, January 20: Dozens of Locations Focused on SF Financial District
Occupy Wall St West actions to shut down the financial district’s banks and corporations most involved in evicting tenants and homeowners.

These protests follow on successful protests that shut down bank branches in Bernal on January 5 and the Excelsior on January 7.

To sign up for the Occupy Bernal presslist and/or obtain photos and video of the actions, see http://www.occupybernal.org/press

To sign up for the Occupy Wall St West presslist and/or obtain photos and video of the actions , see http://www.occupywallstwest.org/press

For more information, see http://www.occupybernal.org, http://www.occupywallstwest.org, and http://www.occupysf.org

– 30 –

Occupy Bernal Action at Bank of America Branch

About 40 protestors, led by the Wild Old Women (WOW) affinity group, picketed a Bank of America branch at 3250 Mission St. today to protest for-profit evictions and foreclosures, as well as poor bank treatment of the elderly and the banks not paying their fair of taxes. The B of A branch staff closed and locked their front door. At first we thought they had closed for the day, but it turns out their back entrance was still open. We made lots of great contacts with people on the street and lots of mainstream media covered the event. Thanks to the WOW for pulling this together!

This protest is a weekly action at 12:00-1:00pm on Thursdays, except instead of Thursday, January 19, the action will switch to 9:00am on Friday, January 20, in solidarity with the Occupy Wall St West actions throughout the city focusing on the S.F. Financial District.

Join our neighbors in the Excelsior at their protest at 12:00 noon this Saturday, January 7, at the Persia Triangle (Mission St., Ocean Ave, and Persia) and head to the Mission for a protest at 12:00 noon on Saturday, January 14, at the 16th Mission BART station plaza.

Pictures of the protest: