Minutes–Occupy Bernal GA/Housing Meeting 3/22/12

MINUTES–Occupy Bernal GA/Housing Meeting 3/22/11

Attending: Molly, Buck, Bob Thawley, Erik Lundgren, Julien, Alice, Kat, Deborah, Christie, Ernesto, Bob Mason, Stardust, Judy K., Elaine       (Meeting notes by Christie)

1– Proposed Foreclosure Legislation: Bob Mason gave report on 6 bills currently pending in Sacramento (most important of which is California Homeowner’s Bill of Rights). Bills mostly advance due process rights and tighten rules; none address loan principle reduction. Hearings are scheduled for late April into June. Issues to be addressed: how to get turnout at hearings / how best to pressure legislators (esp. conservative Democrats). For bill status updates, visit: www.LegInfo.ca.gov  and www.NoLostHomes.org (Bob’s excellent resource!)

2—Kathryn Galves’ Pending Eviction: Stardust reported on Wells Fargo’s refusal to let Galves sell her home to a neighbor who is willing to retain her and her sister as tenants inflatable pool.

RESOLVED: That OB support the following actions:

— Occupy Wells Fargo Noe Valley branch — Sat, 3/24, 9-6 all day–Eviction Prevention at Galves’ home (1164 Church/24th) – Wed, 3/28, 5:30 am. Details at: www.occupyevictions.org


3—Treasurer’s report (Stardust): RESOLVED:

–That OB reimburse Bob T. $80.35 for materials expenses re: Wells Fargo Stumpf action.

–That OB reimburse Kat for expenses in securing SF foreclosure data.

4—Foreclosure Moratorium:  Judy K. reported on the successful 3/20 press conference held on City Hall steps at which foreclosure fighters (and Molly) spoke and Supervisor Avalos presented resolution calling for city-wide moratorium on foreclosure activities. Supervisors Campus, Olague, Kim and board president, Chieu are co-sponsoring resolution, which has been assigned to Board’s Land Use Committee. Hearing is scheduled for Wed, April 4, 1:30 – 4:30pm

–Planning meeting to be held Sun, 3/25 at 10am, at Progressive Grounds to discuss strategies for generating hearing turnout/lobbying other sups, new sheriff, etc. Stardust thanked Judy for her excellent work in engaging with public officials.ci inflatables


5—Door-Knocker’s report: Deborah gave update on excellent turnout on Sun, 3/18 at which four teams (2 each) visited 22 homes, nailing conversations with 12 of them.

-Door-knockers to next meet: ___________?

6—Foreclosure Fighter reports:

–Erick Lundgren provided updated on convoluted but successful efforts thus far to stall his home auction. He’s working with Ed Donaldson in seeking Wells Fargo loan modification. 

–Ernesto reported encouraging signs that Wells Fargo might be ready to talk with him. Progress started soon after ACCE/OB action against Wells Fargo board member Lloyd Dean, so the protests might be finally having an impact.

7—Wells Fargo Makes-Us-Sick Action: Julien reported on successful March 14 protest against Wells Fargo board member, Lloyd Dean, CEO of Dignity Healthcare. In spite of rains, some 47 ‘sick and tired’ activists turned out, wearing hospital gowns and carrying large ‘thermometers’ with high-level fever readings. Foreclosure fighters spoke.  Bob T. issued handouts to passersby urging follow-up action. Lloyd Dean was a no-show but event appears to have caused bit of ‘stir’ within Wells Fargo (see Ernesto’s comments above).

8—Dexter Cato’s Home Reoccupation: Julien updated status of action, which began Friday, 3/16. ACCE is coordinating, but continuing OB help is needed with ongoing day/night vigils at Cato’s home (in Bay View) to prevent eviction and to continue pressure on Wells Fargo. Proposal from ACCE that OB hold its Thursday general assembly meetings at Cato’s house was discussed, but no consensus was reached. OB work groups are encouraged to meet at Cato’s when possible. Weekly OB/ACCE coordination meetings (every Sat, 11:00) are currently being held there inflatable slide.

9–Wells Fargo Shareholder’s Meeting (April 24): Buck reported on first meeting to plan protest (to take place at 465 California St). Broad coalition of local/statewide organizations is involved with SEIU and perhaps other groups bringing in national support. Focus will be on range of issues regarding Wells Fargo (not just foreclosure crisis). Actions will be both outside and inside building, with those inside participating as shareholders (SEIS is buying 130 shares).

–RESOLVED: That Occupy Bernal commit 6 foreclosure fighters and 50 protesters to this action (goals, training needs, etc. still to be decided)夺宝雄兵滑梯

–Weekly planning meetings held Thursdays, 5:30pm at Local 2 office (209 Golden Gate Ave)

10—Bus ride to Well Fargo board member homes (Sat April 7): ACCE is arranging busload of protesters to visit homes of Lloyd Dean and Phillip Quigley, Wells Fargo board members who live down the Peninsula.

–RESOLVED: That OB supports this action and will encourage folks to participate.


11—Forum on Credit Crisis (4/2): Reminder that forum on foreclosure/credit crisis, including short documentary, will be held Mon, 4/2, 7-8:30 pm at BHCC (flyer available)

12—Foreclosure Fighter Fiesta: ACCE is planning festive gathering for foreclosure fighters /home defenders, most likely Sat, 4/14, 2-6 pm, at Vivian Richardson’s house in Bay View.

-RESOLVED: That OB will participate in and help out with this event.

13—Event Announcements: RESOLVED: That Elaine create brief newsletter announcing upcoming meetings, actions and other events to be sent to all OB members, and for possible posting on OB website.

14—Representing Occupy Bernal at Meetings of Other Organizations: Stardust presented proposal for guiding OB participation with related organizations, boards, Occupy groups, etc.

-RESOLVED: That OB agrees with proposal (as appended below) with no objections.

Next OB General Assembly meeting Thursday, April 12, 7:00 pm (BHNH)







Stardust (3/21/12):

Occupy Bernal will have its first combined General Assembly and Housing Workgroup meeting at 7:00-9:00pm on Thursday, March 22, at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center, 515 Cortland Ave.

We’ll be discussing, among other things, a report back on the press conference and introduction of a foreclosure moratorium resolution at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and upcoming housing actions related to Wells Fargo.

We will hear again the following proposal.
Occupy Bernal General Assembly Proposal:
Representing Occupy Bernal at Meetings of Other Organizations

The Occupy Bernal General Assembly authorizes any participant in Occupy Bernal who has regularly attended Occupy Bernal General Assemblies and/or workgroup meetings to represent Occupy Bernal at meetings of organizations or participants in organizations, such as the Occupy SF Housing Council, the Occupy SF Action Council, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, and any other organization.

The Occupy Bernal General Assembly authorizes these Occupy Bernal representatives to present proposals adopted by Occupy Bernal, to provide information about Occupy Bernal activities, and to participate in decision making processes that further the positions adopted by the Occupy Bernal General Assembly and/or its workgroups.

If more than one Occupy Bernal representative attends a meeting of another organization or participants in another organization, the Occupy Bernal representatives shall caucus to determine participation in decision making with approval of a decision coming only when 80% or more of Occupy Bernal representatives present at the meeting agree on approval.

Those representing Occupy Bernal at meetings of other organizations have a responsibility to report back to the appropriate Occupy Bernal workgroup and/or the General Assembly on their activities with other organizations so that Occupy Bernal can maintain well-coordinated and cordial relationships with other organizations whenever possible.cheap inflatable titanic slide
